APT-HUNTER V3.0 : Rebuilt with Multiprocessing and new features

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes Since last release i was working on new features and to increase the processing speed for large number of windows event logs files so i rebuilt the tool to use multiprocessing and added more feature that will help you in your next investigation. Download from here : https://github.com/ahmedkhlief/APT-Hunter/releases/tag/V3.0 APT-HUNTER V3.0 Features New use cases based…

APT-Hunter V2.0 : More than 200 use cases and new features

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes APT-Hunter first released at the beginning of 2021 and since the release, many use cases and features were added along with bug fixes . APT-Hunter V2.0 now includes more than 200 use cases , log hunting , new frequency analysis , very easy to use and analyze multiple devices logs at same time . Github…